Dominik S. Meier


I’m an Assistant Professor of Global Philanthropy at the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) and a visiting researcher at the Gradel Institute of Charity (Oxford).

I use big data, machine learning and natural language processign to study individual and institutional philanthropy.

I am also interested in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in how philanthropy can contribute to achieving the SDGs. As part of this interest, I helped co-develop and validate a machine learning algorithm that detects SDGs in text.

selected publications

  1. text2sdg.png
    text2sdg: An R package to Monitor Sustainable Development Goals from Text
    Dominik S. Meier, Rui Mata, and Dirk U Wulff
    R Journal (in press), 2024
  2. ensemble.png
    Using novel data and ensemble models to improve automated labeling of Sustainable Development Goals
    Dirk U Wulff, Dominik S. Meier, and Rui Mata
    Sustainability Science, 2024
  3. sdg_third.png
    The evolution of SDG-related third sector and public administration literature: an analysis and call for more SDG-related research
    Dominik S. Meier
    Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 2023
  4. amigos.png
    Risking Your Health to Help Others: The Effect of Pandemic Severity on Volunteering
    Dominik S. Meier, Amadeus Petrig, and Georg von Schnurbein
    Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2023
  5. gofundme.png
    Compassion for all: Real-world online donations contradict compassion fade
    Dominik S. Meier
    Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2024